Tag Archives: Tablet


You’re at work in your pyjamas, Enjoying the conveniences of your own home and you don’t have any obnoxious coworkers. Setting up an office at home is appealing to many people, but do you know what it entails? Working from home, as appealing as the working conditions can seem, is not without drawbacks. Because of the environment in which you do your job, the home office may be considered a specific type of mobile office or remote work. An employee can potentially operate from anywhere in the world if the technological requirements are correct, as long as they have a secure internet connection.

In today’s world, the idea of working from home is very important. It enables employees to maintain or improve their productivity while also allowing them to spend time with their families or work on personal projects. Work from Home (WFH) may also be a perfect option for helping employees stay at home and work at the same time if they are dealing with a personal or family health problem. Work from Home allowed several companies to stay efficient and relevant in 2020, during the Corona virus (COVID-19) Pandemic.

Now here we will talk about some gadgets to make you more productive during work from home.

Laptops allow you to work from virtually any place, including your home. They’re difficult to beat for having everything you need in one kit. However, as many people are learning, there is a significant difference between improvising for a few hours and using a laptop for eight hours a day, for days or weeks at a time. A few high-end laptops have excellent keyboards and track pads, but for the most part, they are average. It’s great for sending a few e-mails, but what about a whole day of typing and scrolling? Pick up a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse as a favor to yourself. A laptop stand elevates the laptop monitor above the work surface, making it closer to eye level. While it does not seem to be anything, this is a game-changer. A laptop stand, when paired with a wireless keyboard and mouse, comes the closest to simulating a desktop PC experience. The stand also has a convenient “shelf” where you can tuck the keyboard when it’s not in use to save space.

As laptops and smart phones have become common products, and the internet has made it simple to communicate remotely, a growing number of people are opting for a mobile office instead of a conventional 9-to-5 work. Working from home is becoming the new norm as the eight-hour desk work fades away. Despite businesses’ attempts to build stimulating office environments that provide workers with virtually all they need to improve their morale and productivity, this is the case.

These days, tablets are all the rage. They’re stylish, have a fun app store, and are compact. A tablet is around the same price as a low-cost phone. They are not small enough to fit in your pant pocket, considering their slim and light weight. You’ll need to buy a carrying case or purse. You still won’t have access to the same ports as you would on a laptop.

If you’re thinking of getting a tablet, consider the following questions:

Is HDMI needed to link to a projector?

What about USB ports for simple printing?

Will I have to use an Ethernet cable if there isn’t any Wi-Fi?

What applications am I going to use?

Laptops are usually larger and heavier than laptops. When you’re on the move, the extra weight can be cumbersome and inconvenient. However, they make up for their lack of space efficiency with processing power and functionality.

Even if you have a device nearby, a smart phone will serve as a reliable second screen for multitasking. It can also help people break up the monotony of working on a laptop by allowing them to do things like send a fast email or make a video call while playing mobile games, chatting on Whats App, or browsing Instagram.

Companies should allow workers to work from home, but they should also include some guidelines, such as

1. Requesting that an employee work the hours that he or she will normally work in the office

2. Keep a regular work schedule.

3. If personal time is used for personal work, the proper status should be communicated to the boss.

4. Set aside a space at home where you can work in a professional environment.

5. Double-check the internet and telephone access (many companies provide reimbursement policies as well)

6. Stick to a schedule that includes breaks.

Even before the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic, mobile and remote work had become a rapidly growing trend. However, as part of social distancing initiatives, home offices have become even more common in recent weeks, and many analysts expect that work-from-home will become even more common in the future.

Which one is the best Laptop or Tablet?

This article is just a buying guide on laptops and tablets, suggest the best device for any situation. Now in doing so, we’ll just try to arrive at a device recommendation that makes sense to some of the hard-earned student loan money on. But now due to advancements in tablet features and the availability of a wide range of keyboard accessories.

In comparison with Tablet:-

We are more comfortable with a tablet inside the classroom for note-making.

There’s one distinct advantage with a tablet enjoyed inside the classroom over an old laptop. The tablet has a rear camera, while a laptop doesn’t have and this makes a huge difference. When we’re sitting in the first row of our classroom, near the blackboard, then if we have to fed up of quick note-taking, we can just take the tablet’s camera app, hold it up and take a photograph of the blackboard, and wonderfully preserving a visual memory of whatever our teaching faculty has made. We can’t do that with a laptop as it big in size and no camera facility, there’s no chance. Our peripheral manufacturers updating the games in terms of highly customised offerings for Android or iOS tablets. We don’t have to find a keyboard, which just simply works with our tablet is now extremely easy. In case of either an iPad or Android tablet, we can find slim keyboards for both of them with OS-specific key layout – for example, in place of a typical Control, Alt and Shift keys found on a QWERTY keyboard for PC use. In case of Android-ready keyboards meant having tablets which have Back, Home, Multitasking, etc., keys to make us feel at home while working in the OS. The conclusion is typing on a customised physical keyboard paired with a tablet is almost the same as typing on a laptop.

In Comparison with Laptop:-

But for the high-performance tasks such as HD video editing, graphics editing with print quality artwork, 3D models rendering and good old PC gaming, we have to do it in a laptop to work with at school, as in tablet just won’t be able to support it. Now we can say that, yes, a tablet has a better battery life in comparison to a Windows laptop. Still, being with a mobile computing device, it simply lasts longer with zero productivity.

However, if we play our cards right and buy a laptop with the latest generation of Intel chips, especially a “U” in their model number, which is sub 2-GHz in clock frequency, then there will be chances to get a Windows laptop that gives us long 6 to 8 hours of battery life, which is definitely uncomparable to a tablet’s battery performance.

In Comparison with battery-Tablet is more preferable:-

In case of Tablets, it last Longer as 

because of the low power requirements of their hardware components, the tablets are designed for efficiency. In fact, the maximum of the tablet’s interior is taken up by the battery. Laptops, on the other side, use more powerful hardware. The battery in a laptop takes up a smaller percentage of the space needed for its internal components. Even with the higher capacity battery offered by laptops, they are unable to run as long as tablets. Many tablets can run up to ten hours of web usage before requiring a charge. In comparison, most of the laptops only run for about four to eight hours.

In Comparison With Storage-Laptop Are More Preferable:-

In case of storage, Laptops have more space. To make the tablets’ size and costs down, manufacturers rely on solid-state storage memory to store programs and data. The technology has a major disadvantage i.e the amount of data it will store. Most of the tablets allow between 16 and 128 gigabytes of storage.In comparison, maximum laptops still use conventional hard drives that hold much more. Most of the average budget laptop, with a 500 GB hard drive, although some have moved to solid-state drives as well. Both the laptops and the tablets include features like USB ports or microSD cards that make it preferable to add external storage.